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Teresa Howes

Fit for July Challenge

7/13 UPDATE: This challenge rocked. Let’s to it again! If you signed up for Fit for the 4th, I’ve just sent you the updated tracker! If you missed the first round, you can sign up using this form. Two more weeks is going to be awesome! The details have not changed, just the dates! See…

2020 Is Absolutely Your Year

It has been quite some time since I’ve taken such a pause from writing, creating and posting on social media. But June of 2020, well, all of 2020 has been anything but normal. This past few weeks has been a time for many of us to pause, mute and listen. So I took a 10 day break from…

The Best Alphabet Workout!

Oh my gawd, we are in the midst of the craziest time in history and per my post yesterday announcing the 30-Day Quarantine Challenge, I’m totally losing my mind (and my fitness). So as I surrender to the reality that my gym, every yoga studio and small group fitness event is cancelled … indefinitely, I was struggling…

30-Day Quarantine Challenge

I am not going to lie, I am not handling lockdown, quarantine, shelter-in-place or social distancing well … at all. The optimistic part of me feels like this is an amazing time to settle into deep thought, reflection, self-care and come up with solutions to solve the world’s problems. The realistic part of me is…

Part 4: How much protein do you need?

One question I get all the time (and you will too as you embark on a plant forward journey) is “What about protein?” It’s a wild misconception that your body needs tons of protein to survive and a general misunderstanding, that yes, plants have protein too! We’ll break this into two sections to address…

Part 5: The Best Plant Based Protein Sources

Protein is such a popular macronutrient! And if you just came from my post about calculating how much protein YOUR body needs, you know it’s a widely misunderstood nutrient as well. By now, you should have a grasp of how many grams you’re looking for each day (and if you don’t, go back now…

December 30-Day Self -Care Challenge

December is an easy month to lose yourself in shopping, sugar, self-doubt and stress! So let’s make this month’s challenge a little “easy” on ourselves and make taking care of our body and spirit a priority … every single day. Challenges don’t need to be hard, we don’t need…

Adopting a Plant Forward Diet

Have you considered adopting a plant forward diet and you don’t quite know where to start? Awesome, I’m here with 6 steps to solid success! The beauty of adopting a plant forward diet is in the simplicity and realization that this is not an all or nothing diet. This is simply the addition of more whole…

30-Day Walking Lunge Challenge

Are you up for a serious walking lunge challenge? How about 1000 in the next 30 days? It might sound overwhelming to think 4 digits here, but but let’s break this down into a series of 30 smaller goals and help you fight holiday fat this year! What exactly does the 30 Day Walking Lunge Challenge involve? Let…

Part 1: What is a Plant Forward Diet?

While the diet term “Plant Forward” is a fairly intuitive concept based on the name, there is still some confusion. I see people toss around the terms plant based and plant forward along with vegan and vegetarian. While there are a lot of commonalities between the diet types, there are also some distinct differences. And that is what…

30-Day Plank Challenge

Are you ready to rock your core with the 30-Day Plank Challenge? Plank exercises are some of the overall best exercises you can do to strengthen your entire core. And keep in mind, your core includes a whole lot more than just your abs. It’s essentially your entire body less your arms, legs and head. For a very…