30-Day Plank Challenge

Are you ready to rock your core with the 30-Day Plank Challenge? Plank exercises are some of the overall best exercises you can do to strengthen your entire core. And keep in mind, your core includes a whole lot more than just your abs.

It’s essentially your entire body less your arms, legs and head. For a very minimal time investment, you challenge all the major muscles, strengthening your body, improving balance and preventing future injuries. And not to mention, the plank is 100% excuse free, meaning no special gear, machines or equipment are required. All you need is a timer and you can drop anywhere and get your core work in!

What is the 30-Day Plank Challenge

It’s a 30-Day opportunity to strengthen your entire core! And it’s 100% customizable to your current fitness level and designed to get harder as you get stronger. Here’s how it works:

  • Step 1: You choose the level of plank you start with.
  • Step 2: You test how long you can hold it for and you beat that time all week long. Rest as needed and as indicated on the tracker.
  • Step 3: Retest weekly, graduating to the next plank level once you can easily hold the position for 90 seconds.
You can subscribe for a printable PDF version of this tracker.

Plank Levels

  • Level 1: Static hold on knee
  • Level 2: Static hold on toes
  • Level 3: Static single leg hold, alternating legs every 30 seconds.
  • Level 4: Dynamic transition from high to low plank.

Getting Started on the 30-Day Plank Challenge

This is literally as easy as 1, 2, 3…..

  1. Join the 30-Day Challenge Series private Facebook Group for daily accountability.
  2. Join my mailing list for the free 30-day tracker and also get access to my Clean & Colorful Jumpstart Guide and a monthly eNews you can use love note from me.
    • If you’ve already subscribed, then use your bookmark from before to find the page were ALL the challenges are. It will also be sent in this month’s newsletter. Be sure to bookmark it for future use.
  3. Mark your calendar, we’re getting started on Thursday August 1st!
  4. Invite your friends, we have power in numbers!

The Fine Print of the 30-Day Plank Challenge

  1. You set the plank level and time goal each week based on your current level of fitness.
  2. Be sure to record your progress on the tracker and remember, some days you may feel strong, push yourself on those days. Other days you may not, don’t beat yourself up over it
  3. Results are important so make sure to take measurements at the beginning and end of the month.
  4. Always use proper form and alignment to maximize results and prevent injury.
  5. Be smart and mindful of your current level of fitness and follow the schedule in order to the best of your ability. You must respect the balance between pushing yourself for improvement but not so far that you hurt yourself.
  6. Always speak with your doctor before you start any new exercise regimen.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

[bctt tweet=” Join me in the 30-Day Plank Challenge! It starts August 1st and it’s life and body changing!”]

About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!