30-Day Walking Lunge Challenge

Are you up for a serious walking lunge challenge? How about 1000 in the next 30 days? It might sound overwhelming to think 4 digits here, but but let’s break this down into a series of 30 smaller goals and help you fight holiday fat this year!

What exactly does the 30 Day Walking Lunge Challenge involve?

Let’s keep this simple, this month you’re going to get in 1000 walking lunges! That’s 500 each leg. Like almost all of my challenges, just because it’s “simple” does not mean it’s easy. When and how many you do per day is totally up you you. You’re just going to get in 1000 total this month and re-shape your rear end while you’re at it!

Why take this challenge?

Because walking lunges are one of those super high ROI exercises. This simple move helps not just tone and tighten your lower body, but also helps with balance, flexibility, and core stability. The lunge is one of the exercises that is most commonly done incorrectly. Committing to walking lunges this month will give you the opportunity to master one of the most efficient exercises, maximizing your results and preventing injury.

The correct way to perform a walking lunge tutorial video

Because it can be fairly easy to do walking lunges incorrectly and put your knees at risk, make sure you watch this quick video for important safety and form reminders. If you have a personal trainer you love, see if you can have someone local inspect your form before you get started so you know you’re building your 1000 on solid form foundation.

Strategies to get in your 1000 Walking Lunges this month:

  • Be methodic and create a daily habit. Divvy the bad boys up from day one and do 34 per day for the entire 30 days.
  • Increase your performance as you increase strength. Start slow, like 10 at a time and increase up to 50 and beyond.
  • Add them to the end of your existing weekly workouts. I.e. MWF, add 80-100 lunges before you head home.
  • Break them up throughout the day. 10 when you wake up, 20 at lunch, and 30 before you go to bed.
  • Find a stretch somewhere in your route (i.e. your front door to your car or the kitchen to the bathroom) and measure how many lunges it takes to get there. Then every day, replace those steps with lunges and see how fast they add up.
  • Take rest days as you need them. Depending on how many you do at a time, your tush may need a rest day and that’s ok! You just get in more then next day and make sure you hit 1000 for the month!

Are you curious about my strategy? This ain’t my first rodeo, we did this challenge a few years ago and I remember LOVING the results! I did 130 lunges (60 per leg) only 2 times per week and I did them AFTER long runs or cardio when my legs were already tired. I can’t say this will be the best strategy for all, but it’s my strategy this time around. What’s yours?

Getting Started on the 30-Day Walking Lunge Challenge

  1. Join the 30-Day Challenge Series private Facebook Group for daily accountability.
  2. Join my mailing list for the free 30-day tracker and also get access to my Clean & Colorful Jumpstart Guide and a monthly eNews you can use love note from me.
    • If you’ve already subscribed, then use your bookmark from before to find the page were ALL the challenges are. It will also be sent in this month’s newsletter. Be sure to bookmark it for future use.
  3. Mark your calendar, we’re getting started on Friday November 1st!
  4. Invite your friends, we have power in numbers!
Get a PDF printable version of the tracker when you subscribe to my community!

[bctt tweet=”Can you do 1000 walking lunges in November? Here’s the challenge that will help prove how strong you are. Im in — are you?”]

The Fine Print of the 30-Day Walking Lunge Challenge

  1. You set the pace for this challenge based on your current level of fitness.
  2. Be sure to record your progress on the tracker and remember, some days you may feel strong, push yourself on those days. Other days you may not, don’t beat yourself up over it
  3. Always use proper form and alignment to maximize results and prevent injury. Watch the instructional videos and see a local CPT for personalized instruction.
  4. Be smart and mindful of your current level of fitness and follow the schedule in order to the best of your ability. You must respect the balance between pushing yourself for improvement but not so far that you hurt yourself.
  5. Always speak with your doctor before you start any new exercise regimen.

Are you ready? Let’s go!

walking lunge challenge

About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!