
4-Week Eat More Plants Challenge


A free 4-week challenge to help you take control of your diet and eat more plants! Includes a several mini lessons to give you the foundation of what Plant Forward eating is as well as all the actionable resources to help you do it. You’ll receive a tracker an email coaching series (coming soon!) to help you set goals, move through the information and take action one day at a time. By the end of the Challenge, you’ll have a solid foundation and a set of skills that will last a lifetime.

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If you’ve been wanting look better, feel better, naturally have more energy and probably even lose some weight, this 4-Week Eat More Plants Challenge can be a game changer for you! We all know that “eating more plants” is a good idea. But most of us lack the skills to know exactly how to do that. Knowing that you *should* eat more plants and knowing exactly how to do it are two completely different stories. Which is exactly why I created this challenge.  

What is the 4-Week Eat More Plants Challenge?

In short, it’s a Free Challenge to help you take control of your diet and eat more plants! In a bit more detail, it’s a series of quick lessons covering everything from basics of setting up your pantry to the details of identifying which plants make you feel the best. Each mini-lesson comes with a free pdf printable so you can take the information into action in your kitchen and start seeing results immediately. And there is an email series (coming soon) that walks you through the information over time, to prevent information overload.  

Benefits of the 4-Week Eat More Plants Challenge

As soon as you begin to unprocess your diet and eat more plants, you will begin to feel the benefits. And they will range from physical to psychological and that’s because “you are what you eat” is not just a clever phrase, it’s a scientific fact. When you replace highly processed foods with natural, predominantly plant based alternatives, you’ll begin to feel lighter, brighter, full of energy, more optimistic and in control. Those are the just the immediate benefits! The long term benefits are rooted in better health, improved cognition, lower rates of chronic disease and extended life span.

And it’s a snow ball, the more plants you eat, the better you will feel. And it’s not just you and your body we’re talking about. When you eat well, you set an example for those around you. If you are the primary meal maker in your household, you have the opportunity to introduce everyone to the benefits of more plants! This challenge is no scary, hard, bland, boring or expensive. It’s quite the opposite!

[bctt tweet=”I’m taking control of my diet and will be eating more plants with the the Free 4-Week Eat More Plants Challenge! Join me!” username=””]  

Exactly What You’ll Learn in this Challenge

Here is what you can expect to learn and do through your challenge:

  1. Exactly What A Plant Forward Diet is and how it’s different from a vegan or vegetarian diet. You’ll get a printable food list of foods to prioritize and avoid.
  2. How to Set Up Your Plant Forward Pantry. You’ll know exactly what to get and how to organize it. You’ll get a printable pantry shopping list. 
  3. When shopping for perishable ingredients, I’ll help you prioritize your budget and let you know When Organic Food is Worth the Price. This lesson comes with a printable list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15.
  4. You’ll learn to Calculate Your Own Protein Needs so you can be sure you’re getting enough, but not too much. You’ll get a printable worksheet to figure it all out! 
  5. I’ll share The Best Sources of Plant and Traditional Proteins. You’ll have a printable worksheet to craft your plan.
  6. How to Prevent Food Waste through Proper Food Storage.  You’ll get a chart with proper food storage information for over 30 Plant Forward Foods.
  7. Food is at the root of chronic disease and optimal health. Learn which foods are known for causing the bloating or inflammation and how to identify which ones are best for you.
  8. We’ll wrap up with a chat about Cultivating Sustainable Healthy Habits! This 4-Week Challenge is not designed to end, let’s talk about how to make it last!


What Results Can I Expect from this Challenge?

Your results will vary based on your actions. But in the world of wellness, every teeny-tiny effort counts. Each time you have an unprocessed plant based meal or snack instead of something traditionally processed, you win! The more often you do that, the better your results will be. Also keep in mind this challenge is not designed to start and then stop. The best results from this challenge is the lifelong application of what you learn in these 4 weeks.

All that said, here are some things you have to look forward to: feeling lighter, brighter, full of energy, more optimistic and in control. Those are the just the immediate benefits! The long term benefits are rooted in better health, improved cognition, lower rates of chronic disease and extended life span.  

Getting Started & Finding Success:

Because not all people wake up on the same day wanting to make a change in their diet, this is a self guided, DIY challenge. You can start anytime you want and start feeling better ASAP! I’ll be with you every step of the way and I encourage you to ask a friend, family member or colleague to join. you in your efforts. Just about everything is more fun with more support!

  1. You can register right here for the tracker and email coaching series (coming soon). Just put the challenge in your cart and check out! 
  2. Print your tracker, complete the first lesson and set your goals!
  3. Let the benefits sink in! Each Monday (We’ll call them MORE PLANTS MONDAY memos), you’ll get a note from me in your inbox telling you where to go next and exactly what you can do (Coming soon, for March 2021, this will be in the Facebook group).
  4. Plant forward eating is very intuitive and does not require a ton of instruction. However, I’ll also introduce you to other tools and resources I have along the way if you’d like more detailed or specific support and guidance.
  5. Share this post with any and all of your friends, family and colleagues that would enjoy the challenge and also support your success!
  6. Stay active and stay engaged through the 4 weeks! Use your tracker, ask questions and share your success!


Do I have to pay for this Challenge?

Not one penny! If you’re ready to take control of your diet and eat more plants, I have the resources to help you! This challenge provides the educational foundation for you to start taking action today. All of the lessons, pdf printables, the tracker and the email series are completely free. If you’d like more specific instruction in terms of meal plans, recipes guides, and cooking lessons, smoothie kits, I’ll introduce those to you through out the challenge. Any resource I present is only an optional, low cost enhancement, Not a required purchase.  

The fine print and legalese for the 4-Week Eat More Plants Challenge:

  1. Always talk to your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise.
  2. You are in charge of your health and safety. This challenge serves as a guidance tool and should never supersede information you’ve received from a local practitioner.
  3. By signing up for this challenge, you acknowledge this is a DIY challenge, you release liability and vow to work with your doctor or local practitioner for questions specific to your body. You also promise to use common sense and be smart and safe.


Ready? Set? Let’s go!

If you’re ready to feel better by unprocessing your diet and eating more plants, I could not be more excited! 


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