30-Day Get Outside Challenge

This 30-Day Get Outside Challenge is designed to get you up and outside to experience the healthy and healing benefits of fresh air! The goal is to get outside every day for a minimum of 15-minutes or 1-mile. You can do any activity, and all of them will deliver results far beyond the benefits of basic movement.

Suggested price: $5.00

Minimum price: $0.00


What is the 30-Day Get Outside Challenge?

As we roll through Fall, looking and Winter in the face, the Get Outdoor Challenge may seem a little odd. But as the weather cools down, it’s far too easy to bundle up, cover up and hunker down. And on the heals of this pandemic, and the rise of a normal cold and flu season, indoor/group fitness can be a challenge. If we don’t start good habits now, it could be a long (and large) winter and beyond! There are so many good reasons to getting outside, far beyond the basic benefits of movement. Fresh air can be a game changer when it comes to immunity, mood and motivation. It will be harder for some than others based on location, and that’s why we have this challenge! The goal is to get outside each day and move for a minimum 15 minutes or one mile. Hopefully more, but the shorter goal should make it easier to get started. And on cool days (well, any day), that can be the hardest part!

When does the 30-Day Get Outside Challenge start?

We will do this challenge together in the private community facebook page Monday, November 1st, 2021. If you’re not a member, join now! We’ll have a daily check-in prompt for accountability and motivation. If you have missed the community challenge date, no problem! You can print this tracker anytime and start Day One on any-ole Monday and go for 30 days.

How do I participate in the 30-Day Get Outside Challenge?

It’s easy! Just download your tracker by registering above, be sure you’re in the community facebook group and get ready. You can do any activity you want. You can walk, jog, sled, skate, bike, play any sport (I’ve been bananas for Pickleball lately). Whatever motivates you to get up and get out the door. You can do it all solo, with a furry friend, an accountability buddy or army. Each day, be sure to take a photo of what you did and/or where you were. Then post that picture in the community page with your daily check in. Of course, that is optional. But it will be so fun to see everyone’s environment and different activities will be inspiring!

Note: What does AN stand for on the tracker? It’s an optional field to record an Awesome Note! It’s a short field, but I also suggest you keep a journal to track how you feel before you go outside and how you feel after you’re done.

What results can I expect from the 30-Day Get Outside Challenge?

That is always a tough question because your results are 100% dependent on your commitment and effort. But I can tell you from both personal and professional experience that the benefits of outdoor exercise go far beyond cardiovascular gains! I can wake up in the morning mildly depressed and mopey for no reason at all. Then make my coffee and if I take it on a walk versus drinking on the couch scrolling on my phone, my entire day is transformed. This challenge is not designed to be the entire structure or framework for your entire fitness routine. Nor should not supersede anything you’re already doing. The goal is to motivate you to get up and enjoy outside just a little bit more so you can experience the healthy and healing benefits of fresh air.

Do I have to pay for this Challenge?

Nope! My community challenges have always been free. I’m all about barrier free/excuse free exercise and I’ve been hosting free fitness challenges since 2013. My goal is to get you moving and having fun no matter what. I did add an option to pay if you’d like. You can pay anywhere from $1 to $1,000,000. Whatever feels right to you is great. The most important thing is that you sign up and get outside!

Why would I pay for a Challenge if I don’t have to?

Great question and there are two answers:

  1. Most of the time, you get what you pay for. I’ve hosted free community challenges for years, but I’ve never offered free coaching. And that is because when you’re willing to put (even a little) money on the line, it levels up your commitment. And your results are 100% reliant on your commitment to follow through. By giving you the option to pay, you have the chance to make a larger commitment to yourself to help ensure you get better results!
  2. Let’s be real, this girl has gotta pay the bills (lol). I’ve been hosting challenges for so long, they are fairly “easy” for me to do at this point.  But if these challenge can generate (even a little) revenue, it will allow me to invest more into them. I’ll be able to provide more support, resources, encouragement and advice.  You’ll notice this is an ad-free blog and I no longer feature sponsored content like I have in the past.

Ready? Set? Let’s go!

Register now and I’ll see you in the Facebook group!