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Category: Travel Often

Celebration Run Half Marathon Race Summary

It’s like they KNEW when they named this inaugural San Diego Half Marathon that is was going to be a spectacular day! The Celebration Run Half Marathon and 10K was just wonderful in every way. It’s been a tough year for me running-wise. By no means have I stopped running, but I have found myself frustrated, defeated…

Philippine Sunset: Finding a New Perspective

Two weeks ago I set out on a little last minute adventure. The most meaningful part of that adventure was one singular Philippine Sunset and how it changed my perspective forever. This grand adventure wasn’t completely out of character for me, but it was a bit of a stretch as well. I wrote this post about Challenging yourself in…

The Philippine Healthy Island Cocktail: The Skinny Mango Shake!

If you’ve been to the Philippines, you’ve had a Mango Shake. It’s an awesome little local treat that you are greeted with at hotels. You can also pick up just about anywhere for as little as 70 PHP (about $1.6 USD) on the beach. I’m willing to bet if you ventured off the beaten path…

Traveling to the Philippines: You can’t spell CHAllenGE without CHANGE

I saw this picture a few days ago and I thought, “Well isn’t that clever…” I run monthly community fitness challenges and they are always in the spirit of change. It seemed so fitting for all the folks who play my fun games in the spirit of finding better health and more happiness. And it’s also very…

2014 Boston Marathon Race Summary

What a difference a year makes… I’ve had a hard time getting this 2014 Boston Marathon Recap started. I think it’s because so much happened in such a short period of time and I’m pretty sure my words won’t be able to capture or express this 2014 Boston Marathon experience. Over 30K runners lined up at…

The Original SkinnyTini – A True Story

You have have heard of the term “SkinnyTini” but you may not know that I actually filed for and owned the original trademark for that term. And this is the true backstory of how the The Original SkinnyTini came to be and why I get to call myself the original Skinny Mixologist! I originally wrote this this post…

Adventures in Bali

It’s been over a 3 weeks since I’ve been home from my short, 10 day trip to Bali — but my Adventures in Bali are still sticking to me.  Typically, after a long vacation I’m rested and ready to get back at it. I make a quick photo album, put it out on the web, tell a…

2013 Boston Marathon – Finding Gratitude in Despair

I always write a post after a race. I’m a runner and blogger, that’s what we do. I had scheduled to post a “2013 Boston Marathon Recap” on April 17, 2013 back in February. But I didn’t anticipate this experience. And I didn’t anticipate having quite so much to say. But only 17,500 runners on…

2013 Carlsbad Half Marathon – MY PR!

I had so much fun yesterday and the 2013 Carlsbad Half Marathon! I’m not sure I can put it properly into words. So I stitched together a ton of fun photos from the day and I’m going to attempt to record what I think I did that made it all work out so well. So first things first…

2012 Seattle Marathon – An Amazing Experience!

Yesterday was an amazing day. I completed by 9th marathon in 2012 Seattle Marathon with one of my long term, bestest friends ever. It was her first marathon and truly an amazing event. Like any race, it did not come without complication. But in the end, after you cross the finish line it all makes sense. How we ended up…

Healthy Island Vacation: We’re Off to Curacao!

This healthy island vacation to Curaçao was originally booked to force some R&R/recovery from the 2012 New York Marathon.  Well, hurricane Sandy had other plans for us. In light of the NYC marathon being cancelled, we are now actually 3 weeks out from the Seattle Marathon. That definitely changes the dynamic of our traditional girls…