Healthy Island Vacation: We’re Off to Curacao!

This healthy island vacation to Curaçao was originally booked to force some R&R/recovery from the 2012 New York Marathon.  Well, hurricane Sandy had other plans for us. In light of the NYC marathon being cancelled, we are now actually 3 weeks out from the Seattle Marathon. That definitely changes the dynamic of our traditional girls getaways. We are now in the middle of a healthy island vacation in Curacao.

Healthy Island Vacation Curacao
Quite the view from our veranda …

So we’re not wasting away days in a semi-sober state, sleeping till 12 and partying with strangers till 3am and beyond (Well, not yet at least — lol). This healthy island vacation is about rest, recuperation, running, exploring, and sunning. We will also do some shopping, laughing, lounging, and truly appreciating the beauty of this island.

My Curacao Travel Gang

As a team today, poolside, we collaborated to come up with this list of tips to convert your traditional vacation to a healthy island vacation! All the fun, without adding the layer of vacation tax to your tummy:

Exercise on Day 1

Always get planned exercise in on the first day, first thing in the morning. It sets the tone for day one and the rest of your days. If you skip day one, you have virtually no shot of keeping up with any form of a healthy routine.

Travel with your Healthy Basics

As a corporate road warrior and avid vacationer – I always travel with my bare necessities in my suitcase. As with any trip, I always keep oatmeal, healthy snack bars, Starbucks Via in your suitcase. Having good coffee and healthy breakfast and snacks is key to your healthy island vacation success.

Stay Hydrated (with water)

Bring your own reusable water bottle and refill it every time you can! As your host about the local drinking water. As it turns out, Curaçao tap water is delicious! If no tap water, check your fitness facility. They almost always have access to bottled water. Drink as much as you can — all day/night long. Staying hydrated staves off dehydration which causes fatigue. It will also keep you fuller and also help you flush out unavoidable vacation toxins.

Bug spray and anti-itch spray

Teeny tiny bugs can caused the most massive frustration and discomfort. They really can ruin the most beautiful of experiences. You can keep the little fu@&$#%ers at bay if you’re well prepared. Also downy wrinkle rid, spray water/body spritzer, face wipes from the trial size aisle will also serve you well when you travel.

Leverage Duty Free

Stop at duty free if you’re traveling internationally and grab a fancy vodka. Snag juices and fresh fruit from breakfast bar for mixers  Airborne and Emergen-C are low calorie and delicious. They mix well with vodka and are actually at the roots of the original SkinnyTini.

The amount of joy these little wood cats brought … was hilarious. AC and PC.

Just keep Smiling

Always smile. When on vacation, there is no sense in getting grouchy when things don’t go your way. You will get more by being nice (and have more fun doing it). Plus, smiling in unfortunate circumstances can actually make things better!

curacao poolside
Just loving this healthier version of our island vacations!

Listen to your Body

It’s smart (for the most part) and knows what it needs. The point of vacation is to rest/recharge. If you need to sleep a little more – do it. When your body is screaming for a piña colada – have it. If you don’t like where you are – move it. You define vacation success .

Leverage Local When you can!

Wi-Fi is Key

If in a group and traveling internationally, your phone/text messages may not work. We downloaded a What’s App or use FB messenger so we can text via wi-fi. Its just an easy way to communicate quickly, but agree on a platform so everyone uses the same one.

Bare Necessities in the Carry-On

Pack a bikini, sunscreen, undies, flip flops in your carry-on. Bags do get lost, and this will keep you from missing out on any qt in the sunshine the moment you land! You won’t mind the wait for your baggage to arrive when you’re sitting pool or beachside.

Plan some Active Days

You can only sit like an iguana, stoic in the sun for so long. Kayak, rent bikes, snorkel, zip line, hike, tour the city you are in. Use your body as a vehicle to get somewhere. One year, in Belize, we literally kayaked from our hotel to a bar out on the water.

Water selfies should be an olympic sport.

So that’s it…archive this one as you plan your next healthy island vacation to help get the most out of your time and financial investment!


About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!