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Teresa Howes

2013 Boston Marathon – Finding Gratitude in Despair

I always write a post after a race. I’m a runner and blogger, that’s what we do. I had scheduled to post a “2013 Boston Marathon Recap” on April 17, 2013 back in February. But I didn’t anticipate this experience. And I didn’t anticipate having quite so much to say. But only 17,500 runners on…

Runner Burnout: What to do when you just don’t want to do it

Have you heard the term Runner Burnout? I always thought it was just a catch phrase, like ” a case of the Monday’s” I never knew it was real. I never thought it would happen to me. And I never expected it to be so painful…. So the short answer to this blog title is do it anyway. And this…

2013 Carlsbad Half Marathon – MY PR!

I had so much fun yesterday and the 2013 Carlsbad Half Marathon! I’m not sure I can put it properly into words. So I stitched together a ton of fun photos from the day and I’m going to attempt to record what I think I did that made it all work out so well. So first things first…

2012 Seattle Marathon – An Amazing Experience!

Yesterday was an amazing day. I completed by 9th marathon in 2012 Seattle Marathon with one of my long term, bestest friends ever. It was her first marathon and truly an amazing event. Like any race, it did not come without complication. But in the end, after you cross the finish line it all makes sense. How we ended up…

Healthy Island Vacation: We’re Off to Curacao!

This healthy island vacation to Curaçao was originally booked to force some R&R/recovery from the 2012 New York Marathon.  Well, hurricane Sandy had other plans for us. In light of the NYC marathon being cancelled, we are now actually 3 weeks out from the Seattle Marathon. That definitely changes the dynamic of our traditional girls…

2012 City to the Sea Half Marathon Race Recap

The 2012 City to the Sea Half Marathon is a comeback race for me! I first ran it about about 5 years ago when I averaged ~2:15 for my half marathon finish times. This was the first race I even got close to 2:00, so I had fond memories. I also have the highest quality friends in the…