21-Day Ab Blaster Challenge

A new month is on the horizon and the new 21-Day Ab Blaster Challenge is starting November 10th! We just wrapped up the 21-Day Lower Body Challenge, and it’s time to shift our focus up, just a bit. To the CORE! The votes are in and it’s clear we’re ready to flatten, strengthen and chisel those abs!

We’ve got a combination of a traditional “ab blaster” routine, “core cardio” and also some indulgent weekend stretching. We’ll vary the reps and intervals over the course of 3 weeks to make sure it stays hard and you get stronger!

What is the 21-Day Ab Blaster Challenge?

A chance to firm up, tone and strengthen your entire midsection in just three weeks by alternating between traditional crunches, core cardio and stretching. Specifically, it looks like this:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Core Cardio: 30-75 seconds each exercise, repeat 1-3 times
  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Ab Blaster+: 20-30 reps each exercise + Plank
  • Sunday: Core Stretch: Hold each stretch 30-60 seconds

Core Cardio Circuit

On Core Cardio days, you’ll move through each of these exercises starting with 30 seconds week one, increasing up to 75 seconds throughout the challenge. You’ll repeat the the circuit 1-3 times and that is totally up to you, your fitness level and how it fits into your entire fitness routine.

  1. High Knees
  2. Cross Body Knee (L)
  3. Cross Body Knee (R)
  4. Mountain Climbers
  5. Plank Jacks

Ab Blaster Crunch Circuit

On Ab Blaster+ days, you’ll move through each of these exercises starting with 20 reps each week one, increasing up to 30 of each throughout the challenge. You’ll finish each Ab Blaster by holding a plank as long as you can! Saturday is Ab Blaster ++ and the second + is for the extra push on the plank. Shoot for 5+ seconds MORE than you think you can hold.

  1. Standard Crunch
  2. Bicycle Crunch
  3. Reverse Crunch
  4. Superman
  5. Knee Elbow Plank

Core Stretch Circuit

On Core Stretch days, you’ll enjoy this awesome stretch routine. Do your regular Sunday exercise, and finish it by holding each of these stretches for 30-60 seconds each side.

  1. Cat/Cow
  2. Side Straddle (L)
  3. Side Straddle (R)
  4. Supine Twist (L)
  5. Supine Twist (R)

Benefits of the 21-Day Ab Blaster Challenge:

There is so much more to a strong core than chiseled looking abs (although, nobody will complain about those either!) But a strong core is about making every-day-living, easier. Your core isn’t just a six pack. It’s your entire torso and doing regular core exercises not only makes moving around easier, it also helps prevent lower back pain. Plus, it’s really, really cool when your waistband loosens up!

Getting Started on the 21-Day Ab Blaster Challenge:

  1. You can register right here for the tracker and workout details.
  2. Then join the 30-Day Challenge Series on Facebook to let us know you’re IN!
  3. Check in throughout the challenge. We’re getting started as a group starting Tuesday, November 10th! Look for the daily prompt and share your progress.
  4. Share this post with anyone and everyone who could use a little motivation to get moving.
  5. Optional: I’ll also be hosting the official launch of the 10-day Flat Belly Detox at the same time if you want to double down on your Ab Blasting success starting November 10th!

Do I have to pay for this Challenge?

Nope! My community challenges have always been free. I’m all about barrier free/excuse free exercise and I’ve been hosting free fitness challenges since 2013. My goal is to get you moving and having fun no matter what. However, I did recently put in the option to pay if you’d like. You can pay whatever you want for the challenge. I suggest either $5 or $1 per day, in this case, $21. Or whatever. The most important thing is you get started, stay motivated and get results!

Why would I pay for a Challenge if I don’t have to?

  1. Most of the time, you get what you pay for. I’ve hosted free community challenges for years, but I’ve never offered free coaching. And that is because when you’re willing to put (even a little) money on the line, it levels up your commitment. And your results are 100% reliant on your commitment to follow through. By giving you the option to pay, you have the chance to make a larger commitment to yourself to help ensure you get better results!
  2. Let’s be real, this girl has gotta pay the bills (lol). I’ve been hosting challenges for so long, they are fairly “easy” for me to do at this point.  But if these challenge can generate (even a little) revenue, it will allow me to invest more into them. I’ll be able to provide more support, resources, encouragement and advice.  You’ll notice this is an ad-free blog and I no longer run offer sponsored content like I have in the past.

The fine print and legalese for the 21-Day Ab Blaster Challenge:

  1. Always talk to your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise.
  2. You are in charge of your health and safety. This challenge serves as a guidance tool and should never supersede information you’ve received from a local practitioner.
  3. If you have questions about your form, body or modifications beyond what is provided, you need to work with a local personal trainer or physical therapist who can see you individually so that you get the best advice for your specific needs. I will not customize this plan for you without seeing you, it simply isn’t safe.
  4. By signing up for this challenge, you acknowledge this is a DIY challenge, you release liability and vow to work with a local trainer if you have questions and promise to be smart and safe.

Get ready to blast those abs – this one is going to be FUN!!

About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!