December 30-Day Self -Care Challenge

December is an easy month to lose yourself in shopping, sugar, self-doubt and stress! So let’s make this month’s challenge a little “easy” on ourselves and make taking care of our body and spirit a priority … every single day.

Challenges don’t need to be hard, we don’t need to “crush-it” month over month. As a part of growth, it’s important to take time to get back to the basics. Anytime of any year is the perfect time for a little focus on Self-care, but especially right now.

What is Self Care? says it best, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. But my favorite part of the definition is the “practice of taking action … ” and that’s why this challenge is so important. It’s easy to make everything else a priority this time of year, so dedicating focus to the practice of taking care of yourself is essential to preserving or improving your health.

Why take the 30-Day Self-Care Challenge?

Because it’s not always easy to make your health (and sanity) a priority. But for the sake of your own satisfaction, and ultimately, everyone around you, this little challenge can go a long way. Especially during the holidays.

What is involved in the 30-Day Self-Care Challenge?

Self-Care will look different to different people at different times, and there is no right or wrong here. Below is a list of common actions associated with self-care. I suggest you engage in at least one of these per day. I’ve also left a column for “other” — for you to write it exactly what it was you needed that day.

  1. Meditate 
  2. Go to yoga 
  3. Workout hard to break a sweat and release stress
  4. Workout easy to get some fresh air and peace of mind 
  5. Make yourself a green juice or yummy smoothie
  6. Say no to something that is stressing you out
  7. Write a gratitude journal entry 
  8. Cook a healthy, plant forward meal (meal prep) 
  9. Take an epsom or bubble bath 
  10. Other: ____(Whatever you need today to feel cared for)___

Getting Started on the 30-Day Self Care Challenge

  1. Join the 30-Day Challenge Series private Facebook Group for daily accountability.
  2. Join my mailing list for the free 30-day tracker and also get access to my Clean & Colorful Jumpstart Guide and a monthly eNews you can use love note from me.
    • If you’ve already subscribed, then use your bookmark from before to find the page were ALL the challenges are. It will also be sent in this month’s newsletter. Be sure to bookmark it for future use.
  3. Mark your calendar, we’re getting started on Sunday December 1st!
  4. Invite your friends, we have power in numbers!

About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!