Hi, I’m Teresa …

I am a veggie ninja at heart with a passion deeply rooted in helping people live their best life by eating well, moving more, traveling often and loving life. Wellness to me is much more than a shape or number — or even really someting you can numerically quantify.
Wellness to me, is all of it. How you feel in your skin, your attitude when you wake up in the morning, the adventures you’re excited to take. It’s not just the food you’re eating, but why and how much you enjoy it. It’s not just the exercise you do, but whether you not you look forward to it and how you feel when you’re done.
And I would love to tell you that I’ve masted it, that I’m your guru and the mighty all-knower of healthy eating, amazing daily workouts, eternal happy thoughts and countless upcoming, lavish adventures. But that would be boring, the beauty is in the struggle and the constant commitment to our evolving wellness as we move through life.
In my 20’s it was all frozen food and diet soda to stay “skinny.” In my 30’s it was the exact opposite. It was hundreds of miles of running, training for marathons and pounding out green juice in my kitchen daily. Today, in my late 40s, I can promise you that I’m learning the fine line of a happy medium. A balance and a level of self-love, self-acceptance and self-satisfaction that allows me to live well. And I am deeply committed to helping you feel the same way so you can love the life you live.

A little bit about how I got here…
I’ve worked in the wellness industry since the day I was able to choose. At age 17, I chose to study Nutrition in college, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Cal Poly, SLO. I then spent the next decade (plus a few years) working for one of the worlds largest weight loss companies. In 2013, I took a severance package as a spring board to take full control of career and started my own company.
I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do it. But I knew I was going to work to inspire and inform people. A healthy lifestyle is a choice. Smarter and informed lifestyle decisions can improve their health and happiness. And in each one of those micro-decisions, is a path to a longer, more satisfying life.
That Mission has lead me along an entrepreneurial journey full of frustration and disappointments. But also a handful of accomplishments I’m really proud of:
- The publication of my first book, SkinnyTinis, All the Fun for Half the Calories.
- The launch of first blog, Eat. Drink & be Skinny, which racked up nearly 3M views before I sold it.
- Achieving my Board Certification as a Holistic Health Practitioner.
- The opening of my small healthy food company in San Diego, the Clean & Colorful Kitchen.
- Working with brands and travel boards that have allowed me to see places I’ve never been, meet people I never would have known.
- Remaining self-employed for 10+ years and counting and finally, matching my corporate salary.
And that professional timeline is matched with an equally impressive series of personal side stories. Beginnings and endings of relationships, friendships, pets, residences. Trips across the country and around the globe. And that big, gummy-mess of good, bad, meh, ick and yahoo are all the parts of pieces of how I came to frame my current quest.

What you can expect from Teresa Marie Wellness
Honesty, authenticity, things that work and struggles hopefully you can avoid. I try to be funny and light hearted. But life as a small business owner on the front lines of the healthy food movement is not easy. A lot of what I share is research based, but mostly personally experienced. I want to share true facts and figures, but also the adventures I experience in real life and the stuff I’m working through in my heart and battling in my mind.
Getting older is a trip. Climbing over the hill has been a ride I wasn’t expecting. And if it’s taught me anything so far, it’s that we’ll always have more to learn, feel, believe in, change, rearrange, grow, share, love and simply DO with our lives. I’m satisfied when I look back at the last 40+ years and eager when I look forward to the next.
I hope that as I share these stories — that you pick up a tip or a spark, and you choose to move one step closer to loving the life you live.

I am thrilled you are here. If you ever have any questions for me along the way, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at teresa@teresamariewellness.com!