Well here we are again, it’s most definitely time for a 30-Day Push-Up Challenge! Summer is here and it’s Tank Top season, what better reason do you need to flex those biceps and perk up your pecks?
And actually, the push-up is essentially a full body movement, carrying benefits that go beyond the traditional Gun Show. Of course, they help us “get rid of the jig” by targeting the upper arms. But when done properly, they also put emphasis on building a strong core by stabilizing the abdominals and back. There is even some benefits to your quads and hammies.
So if you have a limited amount of time to squeeze in fitness and you want to really see some changes, it’s time to get down and push up! And I’m ready to go July 1st!
This is an oldie but a goodie. I launched my blogging career in 2013 with a challenge just like this. At the time, I had a trainer at the gym who swore:
100 push-ups a day for 30 days will completely transform your body.
–Super Fit Trainer from 2013
You start on day 1 with a benchmark test and how many you can do in 60-seconds. Then, you drop and push all week long and we re-test the benchmark each Monday to see how much stronger you are!
Note: Monday’s you only have to do 60 consecutive seconds of push-ups, not 100 total throughout the day.
Simple…this picture:
I had the pleasure of joining in on one of Hatched Collective’s Instagram bootcamp courses, which came with a little in studio photo shoot. The space is beautiful, Tara, the photographer is incredibly talented. And my arms … are no longer toned from the push-ups I did six years ago (sad face).
One of my favorite things about the human body (and life in general) is the constant opportunity to start fresh and make a change. Maybe you can relate on the loss of lean or maybe you’re ready to kick things UP and to the next level. Either way — this challenge will help you look, feel and be amazing!
This is literally as easy as 1, 2, 3…..
[bctt tweet=” Join me in the 30-Day Push-Up Challenge! It starts July 1st and it’s life and body changing!”]
First, let me remind you you absolutely don’t have to do all 100 push-ups in one sitting (and in fact if you did, I’d send you a medal). You can do them 1, 5, 20, 30 or more at a time. You can do them between brushing your teeth and your hair, get in a few while you wait for the coffee, you get the picture. The goal is 100 per day.
You can also scale your push-up intensity by moving down to your knees (my fav!) or up to a wall. And you can progress as you get stronger.
But … What if you can’t do 100 push-ups in a day?
Then don’t. Do what you can, and record that as your benchmark. Then just do more each day. Push-ups will work no matter how many you do or when you do them. So don’t let the daunting “100” be what stops you!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
[bctt tweet=” Join me in the 30-Day Push-Up Challenge! It starts July 1st and it’s life and body changing!”]
I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!
If you’re ready to push your body differently, every day of the week…
November 25, 2024Guess what happens in 2 weeks from today? This body of mine turns 45 years…
July 6, 2021
Donna | 30th Jun 19
Let’s do this
Pamela | 1st Jul 19
I’m in. But is the challenge knee or toe push-ups? Both? What ? Lol. I’m confused.
Teresa Howes | 1st Jul 19
Lol!! It’s up to you depending on your current fitness level! 💕
| Teresa Marie Wellness | 2nd Jul 19
[…] we kick off another round of the 30-Day Push-Up Challenge, one that challenges to you do 100 push-ups a day for 30 days straight, it is most certainly the […]