5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers

Knowing that and 5 best stretches for runners and walkers, can make all the difference in your routine. There is a fine line between the pain of progress and the pain of an injury. Having the smarts to know that you’re strong, but not indestructible can be the key to staying injury free and keeping your fitness moving in the right direction!  

Why Stretching is important to Runners and Walkers

Whether you’re just getting started, or actively managing a running addition, stretching matters. Devoting some time to some dynamic stretching before you get moving will warm muscles up. Static stretching as you cool down not only feels good, it can prevent scare tissue and lactic acid build up. and both are important parts of any training plan.  

There are so many great stretches to do and you can tailor your stretch routine based on your biomechanics and specific areas of concern and tightness. Of course, always check with your health care professional before starting any new exercise routine. But in general, here is a good overview of the best stretches for runners and walkers.

Hip Flexor Stretch:

Tight hip flexors are really common in people who sit all day long. Stretching these bad boys out is a good move even if you aren’t an avid runner or walker to improve your posture.

5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers hip flexor

To do the stretch: stand straight and step your left foot about 3-4 feet in front of your right and lower to the ground by pushing your pelvis forward. This should pull on your right hip flexor, the front, top side of your right leg. To get a better stretch, you can slightly bend the knees to push your pelvis farther forward. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat on other side.

Quadriceps Stretch:

There is no doubt your quads take a pounding when you’re hitting the pavement and stretching out these muscle fibers can feel great!

5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers Quad

To do the stretch: stand with your feet together, kick your right leg back and catch it with your right hand. Align your knees and push your pelvis forward to get the best stretch in the front portion of your right leg. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Hamstrings Stretch:

The muscles behind your legs need a good stretch after a long walk/run too — and most importantly keep your body in balance.

5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers hamstring

To do the stretch: stand with your feet together, step your left foot forward about 1-2 feet. Keeping a flat back, lean your torso over your left leg, keeping your hips aligned. Continue to lower your chest towards your leg and knee to get the best stretch on the back, upper portion of your leg.  Hold for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Calf Stretch:

Depending on your form, your calves can get really tight when you run. To prevent lower leg injuries, and keep walking the next day as smooth as possible, you’ll want to stretch these guys out.

5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers calf

To do the stretch, stand facing a wall, about 2 feet away. Step your right leg forward and bend slightly and keep your left leg straight. Keeping a flat back and with straight arms, press your palms into the wall and lean forward. Hold for at least 20-30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

IT Band Stretch:

A tight IT band is really common in runners and actually often presents itself as pain on the outside of your knee. Stretching these is essential to keep your running plan on track.

5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers IT band

To do the stretch: stand with your feet together. Cross your right foot over your left and lean your torso to the right, pushing your left hip out until you feel a stretch on the outside of your left hip. Hold this stretch for 20-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Stretching in Summary

It does not matter if you’re going fast or slow: these 5 Best Stretches for Runners and Walkers will keep you bendy, flexy and moving forward!

Are you ready to go? What are you waiting for?

*This post was originally published on Eat. Drink & be Skinny*

About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!


  1. 5K Race Preparation Tips | Teresa Marie Wellness | 2nd Feb 21

    […] it off. Check out the vendor booths and keep on moving to let your body cool down. Don’t forget your regular stretches – this may prevent some unnecessary […]

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