21-Day Run Challenge

Get your running shoes out and let’s get ready to get faster in just 3-weeks with the 21-Day Run Challenge! We’ll run, we’ll cross-train, we’ll strengthen our body together and we will all get faster!

I was an active marathon runner for nearly 2 full decades. I’ve literally run thousands of miles and crossed probably more than 100 finish lines in my time. Some runs and races, I’m so proud of and I still share the stories. Others, not so much…

But the one thing I have always loved about running is that it’s essentially precise and predicable. You do the work, you get faster. It’s really that simple. There is not much skill or talent involved. And it’s so easy to measure progress, which is so motivating!

There is or can be a runner in every one of us. This challenge will help you zoom in on her and let her shine! Get ready, this one is going to be fun!

What is the the 21-Day Run Challenge?

A three-week challenge to focus on getting moving at least 21 minutes per day. Half the workouts feature an interval style run, which progressively get harder throughout the challenge. The other half are cross training, strength training and active recovery days. This balance should allow your body to recover and remain injury free so you just get stronger and faster.

Here’s what the weekly workout schedule will look like*:

  • Monday: Interval Run
  • Tuesday: Cross Training Cardio
  • Wednesday: Interval Run
  • Thursday: Strength Training
  • Friday: Recovery
  • Saturday: Interval Run
  • Sunday: Cross Training Cardio

*for the most part. The last week we move things around so you can recover and run your fastest mile to measure challenge success.

21-Day Run Challenge Workout Details

INTERVAL RUNS: Each run workout starts with a 5 min easy warm up followed by a 7 minute interval of EASY to HARD interval running repeated at least three times. We end each run workout with 5 minutes of easy recovery movement for a 31+ minute total workout. The work to recovery intervals get more challenging throughout the challenge as you get stronger.

CROSS TRAINING: You want to push your cardio but without the impact of running. This helps with injury prevention, especially if you’re just starting or restarting a run program. Good ideas here are cycling, swimming, rowing, elliptical, etc.

STRENGTH TRAINING: Running is catabolic, it will break down muscle if you run too much so weight training is essential for optimal performance as well as injury prevention. And you don’t need heavy weights here, even body weight exercises will make a huge difference.

RECOVERY: Depending on where you are in your running journey, taking a recovery day can actually be hard. It’s so weird. But truth be told, running is hard on your body so you need to give it time to rebuild tissue and stay strong. You will always come back stronger after a recovery day. You can do absolutely nothing on your recovery day, or enjoy a gentle yoga class, go for an easy easy walk or simply stretch or foam-roll in your living room.

Why join the 21-Day Run Challenge?

  1. Because you can. Having a body that works is a blessing and pushing it to work harder will make you physically stronger and keep your body functioning well.
  2. Running is more than physical, it’s also an emotional game. When you finish this challenge and you see time come off your mile, you’ll truly get to enjoy the confidence and pride that comes along with it.
  3. Making activity a daily habit will pay dividends beyond fitness and confidence. Your general health, cognitive function and well-being will also benefit.
  4. Who knows where you’ll go from here?! Sure, there are no community races to train for, but that does not mean you can’t cross a virtual finish line and go for more!

Getting Started on the 21-Day Run Challenge:

  1. You can register right here for the tracker. (Note this is a NEW registration process, hopefully much easier!)
  2. Then join the 30-Day Challenge Series on Facebook to let us know you’re IN!
  3. Check in throughout the challenge. Look for the daily prompt and share your progress.
  4. Share this post with anyone and everyone who could use a little motivation to get moving.

Do I have to pay for this Challenge?

Nope! My community challenges have always been free. I’m all about barrier free/excuse free exercise and I’ve been hosting free fitness challenges since 2013. My goal is to get you moving and having fun no matter what. However, I did recently put in the option to pay if you’d like. You can pay anywhere from $5 for the full challenge or up to $1 per day (in this case $21) for my challenges from now on.

Why would I pay for a Challenge if I don’t have to?

  1. A lot of time, you get what you pay for. I’ve hosted free community challenges for years, but I’ve never offered free coaching. And that is because when you’re willing to put (even a little) money on the line, it levels up your commitment. And your results are 100% reliant on your commitment to follow through. By giving you the option to pay, you have the chance to make a larger commitment to yourself to help ensure you get better results!
  2. Let’s be real, this girl has gotta pay the bills (lol). I’ve been hosting challenges for so long, they are fairly “easy” for me to do at this point.  But if these challenge can generate (even a little) revenue, it will allow me to invest more into them. I’ll be able to provide more support, resources, encouragement and advice.  You’ll notice this is an ad-free blog and I don’t run offer sponsored content like I have in the past.

The fine print and legalese for the 21-Day Run Challenge:

  1. Always talk to your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your diet or exercise.
  2. You are in charge of your health and safety. This challenge serves as a guidance tool and should never supersede information you’ve received from a local practitioner.
  3. If you have questions about your form, body or modifications beyond what is provided, you need to work with a local personal trainer or run coach who can see you individually so that you get the best advice for your specific needs. I will not customize this plan for you without seeing you, it simply isn’t safe.
  4. By signing up for this challenge, you acknowledge this is a DIY challenge, you release liability and vow to work with a local trainer if you have questions and promise to be smart and safe

Get ready, get set – we’re going running on Monday August 10th!

About The Author

Teresa Howes

I’m a board certified holistic nutritionist, certified personal trainer, plant forward & flexatarian lifestyle enthusiast and self proclaimed Veggie Ninja. I’m here to inspire and illustrate how delicious, simple and fun healthy living can be!